Windows Anaconda Python and Neural Networks


Preface Windows Anaconda Python and Neural Networks

This tutorial shows you how to set up the environment for machine learning, and data science using Anaconda Navigator. This tutorial is for Windows, but Linux Ubuntu and Linux Mint are similar. You need flexibility in setting up an environment since the modules are updated frequently. The minimum module setup for machine learning includes Python, TensorFlow, and Keras. Anaconda Navigator allows you to add, and remove modules easily. Once setup Anaconda Navigator comes with editors such as PyCharm. By the time we are done with this tutorial you will be ready to run a simple example using the pima-indians-diabetes database.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Installation of Anaconda Python and Anaconda Navigator on Windows Chapter 2 - Create and Environment with Navigator Chapter 3 - Create a Python Program Chapter 4 - Your First Machine Learning Program Chapter 5 - How this Neural Program Works

Win-Conda Navigation

Table of Contents
Ch2-Conda Navigator
Ch3-Notepad Editor
Ch4-Run a Program
Ch5-Program Explained