Introductory Python Using Linux



You will be ready for engineering programming after completing the first six chapters of this tutorial. Chapter six concludes the first part of this tutorial with a bubble sort sample program. It combines all the elements described in the first part of the manual. It includes, variables, loops, if statements, lists, and functions.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Python Programming Chapter 2 - Python Loops Chapter 3 - Python if statements Chapter 4 - Python custom and builtin functions Chapter 5 - Python variable scope Chapter 6 - Python sample program - bubble sort Chapter 7 - Python variables, methods, and classes in object oriented Programming Chapter 8 - Creation of Python inheritance for a class Chapter 9 - Python matplotlib for graphs Chapter 10 - Working with files Chapter 11 - Python formatting with % and .print Chapter 12 - Using Python zip, dictionary, and comprehension Chapter 13 - Slicing Arrays

We are writing this manual for first year engineering students who need to know basic programming. Typically this will be in an introduction to engineering course. The goal is to get you up and running programs as quickly as possible. We will give you all the building blocks to create advanced programs. Programs can be copy and pasted to your editor from the web page. Why Python? I have written tutorials for Excel programming, and LibreOffice Calc. You should use these depending on your school. Python is capable of infinitely more than what is covered in this tutorial. It is used in web applications, science, and machine learning (artificial intelligence). Even though C++ runs faster, Python development times are much faster. Python is friendly.

Python Navigation

Table of Contents
Ch1-Starting Out
Ch3-If Statements
Ch5-Variable Scope
Ch6-Bubble Sort
Ch7-Intro to OOP
Ch11-Print Format
Ch13-Slice Arrays